In this assignment you will experiment with simple game agents and also the Minimax algorithm


Note: This assignment is using Python 3.5, please make sure you have it installed on your system. This assignment also need python Tkinter package, it is included in every python installation by default. however if you get error on Tkinter installation try this:

sudo apt install python3-tk

Follow the pdf document for the rest of the assignment.

Submission for Theory Questions

After you’re ready to submit your work, Please follow these steps:

  1. Scan your written answers.
  2. Upload it to Quera Class

Submission for Practical Questions

  1. Make sure your current directory is assignment folder. Run the following command and Substitute <student_id> with your student ID (e.x: 95529876)
    python3 <student_id>
  2. Grab asg04_<student_id>.zip, and Upload Zip file in Quera Class.

If you don’t follow the protocol, Unfortunately we are not able to get your submission thus you will NOT earn any scores.